You can read his observations about money and work. Same as any teenager today I'd guess. Except the cost of a show was not $8 but only fifteen cents. A newspaper was ten cents. Big money considering that he only made a dollar for ten hours of work at his father's grocery store.
Click on the image and read some of the content summarized at the forwarding site.
How about a contest?
The best quote wins this 4x6 Watson-Guptill Sketchbook journal. This journal is free. (But you have to pay shipping, about $3.) I'll include a free pen.
Here's the first challenge: Comment on this post with the best quote or saying you've heard or made up.
Remember, the best quotes are one sentence, humorous, and have a twist.
Here's an example and one of my favorites:
I want to die in my sleep like grandpa and not kicking and screaming like the people in his car.
I'll select the winner.
The keyboard is my journal. - Pharrell Williams
A computer beat ne at chess once, but it was no match for me at kickboxing!!
I absolutely love finding old journals and discovering the people within them!
Also, I find if I work on an historical novel, reading journals and letters from the period helps me create the cadences.
Wish I had a pithy quote for you, but I don't, so I'm out of the contest. Best wishes to you, though!
Mercy!! Do I win by default?!!! I can't believe mine is the only post!!
so do i win by default?
Yes, absolutely. Thanks for the quote. Send me an email with your address and I'll send it right out. Thanks.
Yeah, me neither. I know there are great quotes out there but most are silent readers I think.
Kitty & Devon: I'm so sorry these got posted so late. I just realized that one of my google filters pushed your comments into a hidden folder. I was not ignoring you guys! I love to hear comments and was wondering if the Internet was broken!? Thanks again for your comments.
I am quite proud of this one:
'Do it yourself' is a reply not a motto!
Also very fond of Guy Debord's lines such as 'Never work' and
'I have written much less than people who write but then I have drunk much more than people who drink.'
rowlandjones: I like that one. If I don't hear back from Kitty, you can have the journal (if you'd like it). If so, send me your address when you get a chance. (Click on the "Go ahead, write me." link on the right.)
I am soooo dumb!! I thought your response would come to my inbox since I am a 'follower'....I never checked YOUR responses....derrrrr. Here is my email.
I so enjoy your posts dave!! keep em coming...
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