Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Drawing breakfast

In an effort to sketch everyday, sometimes I sketch my breakfast. Trouble is, if I take too long, my food gets cold. Fast sketching is good.

Here I've sketched the greatest deal of the century. A Loaded Omelet for just $2.79 available at our company's cafeteria. It even comes with salsa. (That's the squiggly stuff in the upper center.)

What a life: egg omelet with salsa, a fresh cup of Peet's coffee, a blank journal, and a Uniball Vision Micro pen. You gotta love it.

It's easy to make excuses for not drawing everyday. Sometimes I get hung up on not having the right sketchbook or pen or pencil. I imagine that I'm doing some masterpiece and need my special sketch tool. Hogwash all of it. As Michelangelo said to his apprentice: "Draw, draw, draw. Stop wasting time, draw!" (This statement is accreted to Michelangelo but as yet unverified by me.)

The point is: I'm NOT sketching a masterpiece. Just sketching. The objective: To be lost in the moment. The right brain takes over and time slips by.

Sometimes I'll add watercolor to my sketches. I've been using a Uniball Vision Micro pen. The ink in them is permanent and acid free. Which means, I can watercolor over it without the line bleeding into a blur AND it'll maintain it's jet black color. The micros have a very fine 0.5 point.

This sketch was done in my daily journal. It's got a leather cover and clean snow-white pages. I bought it at Borders (where else) last year on their 50% off rack. It was just 15 bucks. To create my page-a-day journal, I added a date to each page using a date stamp. After stamping 365 pages I still had pages left over in the back for indexes, quotes, ideas, and special lists.

It's a great book for sketching and journaling.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)