Thursday, March 08, 2007

Always on

I'm buying less and less software these days. The reason? Because I'm always online.

Having all my software and documents online means less maintenance woes, no loss of data, no updates, and no backups. Yeah.

Here's a quick list by function of what I use:

Office documents:
Google's Word-processing & Spreadsheets
Google's Base (database)
Meriam-Webster Dictionary

Flickr images
Make moving gifs (Here's an example.)

Projects (todo lists)
Graph paper
Lined paper
Time and Dates
Arrange a meeting with many people - (take a poll)

Off line:
When I'm offline, I use my analog system. Notebooks, journals, pens, and just plain index cards.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.