Before the Internet, (yeah, ages ago) I collected Proverb & Quote books. Eventually I had shelves of books. Then I started writing Quote software for myself. I wrote a Windows program (TrayQuotes) that automatically attached a random quote to my email signature. I designed it so that I could choose from a category of quotes, depending on the mood I was in: serious, funny, crazy, etc.
When the Palm PDA was released I wrote an application that allowed me to collect quotes and beam them to other Palm users with my same program. It was publicly available for download for some years.
But today it doesn't make sense to buy books or programs containing quotes when I can find millions of quotes online. Here are a few of my favorite sites:
World of Quotes
Heart Quotes (a bit mushy for me)
Think Exist (good quotes but lots of clutter on the page)
Just Quotes (get a quote a day emailed)
Of course, most of these sites do not adhere to my qualification of a good quote. They are for the masses. As an experiment, I wrote a Google Gaget for my iGoogle page. (You can add it to yours by clicking on the Google button under the box.)
(Got a good quote?)
There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about.
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