Saturday, April 04, 2009

Work Journal Sketching

3/27 Design Journal
Originally uploaded by daveterry.
I've been sort of overworked these days and haven't done much sketching. I start work at 7:00 a.m. and finish at around 6:00 p.m. I have even been working right through lunch. So not a lot of free time. It's rather ludicrous these days. But, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have a job. Really.

But the truth is, I rarely get out like I used to and sketch at the mall or at Borders during lunch. That's a good time to do some sketching.

As I sat at my desk yesterday, bummed about not being able to sketch, I looked down at my work journal for the next To-Do to accomplish and then it hit me, I've been sketching everyday, in the work journal.

3/26 Design Journal
Originally uploaded by daveterry.
Well, it's true, it ain't people, or buildings, it's more of a design sketchbook, but a sketchbook nonetheless.

So I paged through it looking at some of the stuff in the last couple of months and scanned a few. (There are some notes at on the pages itself if you click on any of the pages here.)

I can't go a day without drawing some idea in the book. The book is not really for reviewing the day, although at the end of the week I use it for my status report. But I really use it to help me stay focused on the task at hand.

3/5 Design Journal
Originally uploaded by daveterry.
It's amazing how useful it really is, not just to myself but to my team and even my boss. The other day I was in a meeting when she asked me to pass over my book wherein I'd drawn a diagram of screen design. She copied the sketch into her notes so that she could share with her boss.

In the back I keep an index by subject and what page(s) in the notebook I can find the information.

The numbers are created using an auto-numbering machine I bought a OfficeMax. That way, I can buy my favorite book size and format (8.5 x 11 blank pages please) and add my own numbering.

Page 995 had some notes from a meeting I attended about coaching my team. Occasionally I'll refer back to them for reminders.

(More design journal pages here.)

I'm not writing it down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now.
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